How I Write Blog Posts These Days
1. Editor: Vim
I write my Markdown in Vim. Or Emacs in Evil mode, which is Vim emulation in Emacs. Why? Well, I find the manipulation of text - any text - really quick and easy in Vim. Moving paragraphs, changing words, deleting sentences - Vim is aware of the structure of natural language, which makes using it to edit blog posts quite easy.
2. Format: Markdown
Markdown is both wonderful and terrible. Wonderful as it’s everywhere, is human readable, and supports the structures you want to use for technical writing - i.e. code blocks. Terrible because there is no standard and so the HTML you’ll get out of the other end of a parser is not consistent between parsers.
Think this isn’t too much trouble? I have to join all the lines in a paragraph to a single line when I’m posting on as the Markdown parser treats all the line breaks in a paragraph as hard breaks.1
It’s this inconsistency in Markdown parsers that makes me avoid (or at least not rely on) Markdown linters and previewers in my editors. I tend to wait until the post is near finished before I see what it looks like with stage 5 (see below).
Still, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and so Markdown it is.
3. Grammar and Spelling: aspell, style and diction
Markdown posts like this can be sent to aspell
, a handy
interactive and extensible spellchecker. Good editor integration for aspell
exists in both Vim and Emacs.
and diction
a pair of tools that check for grammar mistakes and readability. diction
up on clichés, doubled-words and potential misspellings. It’s sometimes wrong
but it gets you thinking about whether you could word things better and so makes
an excellent starting point.
describes how readable your document is through a series of scores
- Flesch-Kinkaid
for instance. It’s interesting information.
4. Storage: GitHub
I keep my posts on GitHub. If someone spots a mistake in what I’ve written then at least this way they can open a pull request.
5. My Site: Static Site + GitHub Pages
I’ve been using GitHub Pages to host my blog as a static site since forever. It’s an easy enough hosting solution and you can use it with any number of static site generators to turn your Markdown into HTML.
I wrote my own static site generator because I found every one I tried a little too busy for my liking. It’s still too busy for my liking and I reckon it could be scrapped in favour of Pandoc and a few glue scripts, but it was fun to write. I wouldn’t use it if I were you.
I have a horrible bash script to publish the blog, and it looks like this when it’s published.
- Would be annoying if it wasn’t for Vim’s
oin command…