
The blog of David Wickes, software developer

Mocha tests with MongoDB and Mongoose

I’ve been continuing my assault on Node.js - I refuse to let it lie. I decided two weeks ago to try and get a version of the Makers Academy chitter project (a twitter clone) up and running using Node, Express and - because you may as well go straight in at the deep end - MongoDB. Let’s call it ‘Chitter.js’.

The biggest pain I’ve had is getting the tests to run. This may not sound like a big deal to someone on the outside, but without tests I feel a little lost – I mean, how do you know if what you’re doing is working? Or your refactoring hasn’t changed anything?

Anyway, enough of the TDD rant - and maybe let’s just approach this as an intellectual exercise. Mocha is the test framework we’re using – along with the Chai library of assertion (so I can write expect) a lot.

Now the first thing to bear in mind is just how asynchronous everything is when working in JavaScript. You may think you understand, but you proaably don’t. My entire cohort at Makers is replete with tales about testing in Mocha (“It passed one time – but then it didn’t” … “I ran it, it should’ve failed. But it passed. Twice.”).

Happily Mocha gives us done. You can pass any test block (OK, not block, anonymous function. But I’m Ruby till I die) an argument of done, which is a function you can call when the test is… well, when the test is done. It basically means that you can make thinga happen when you want them to happen, and not in faster-than-a-speeding-bullet JS timeframes.

So, here’s a test straight out of my actual project. The key thing to note is the fact that the expectations are sitting in the callback for the save function - you’ll only want to test the database once the save has saved (i.e. once its calledback).

(The following is all in CoffeeScript - which I’m agnostic about. It definitely has the advantage of brevity, which is a quality all of its own.)

it 'saves users', (done) ->
    bob = new user {username: "bob", password: "pisswird"} (error, saved_bob) ->
        expect(saved_bob.username).to.equal "bob"
        expect(saved_bob.password).to.equal "pisswird"

You would expect this to run, test the expectations, and then let you know it’s all finished with the done() call at the end of the callback. And it does do exactly that – but only so long as the expectations pass. If they don’t the whole thing just times out - which is not what we’re after.

I tried a number of solutions to this problem (in fact the above is one of those solutions - the first attempts were even more worthless), including a few experiments with the Chai as Promised library which includes such great statements as to.eventually.deep.equal But the problem wasn’t resolved until I hit upon the following pattern:

  it 'saves users', (done) ->
    user = new User {username: "bob", password: "pisswird"} (error, saved_user) ->
        expect( saved_user.username ).to.eql "bob"
      catch error

What wizardry is this? Let me try to explain…

  1. The reason everything timed out on the expectation failing was that the expectation statement is no longer in the scope of the it().
  2. Expectations pass when they pass – but when they fail they raise an exception which is caught by the it() function the whole lot is wrapped in.
  3. So when the statement goes out of scope, it means that the error never ‘bubbles up’ to the it, the done() never gets called, and the whole thing just times out.
  4. So we need a way to send the error for the failed expectation up to the it().
  5. This is where the try/catch comes in - if the expectation fails it raises an error that then gets passed to the done function in the catch - which the done then dutifully carries back up to the it with the essential error information about what exactly went wrong.

And so now we can write tests. Hurrah! But, more importantly, we’ve gained an insight into how testing frameworks work. When I first encountered testing in RSpec I went through the various patterns of test as ritual – ‘this is how you do it’ – but the more I work with tests the more I’m respecting the hard work that’s gone in to making them look like magick.

So I’m really greateful for Mocha being a bit of a pain to test with over the last few weeks, as it’s made me have to think a bit harder about testing in general and the dark arts of JS.

That said, it’s not done much for the development of chitter.js…